This stretch is always right for your body if you can take long breaths

Crescent lunge with twist

Stand on left foot. Left leg forward. Place right hand on wall for support. Bend torso while keeping right knee slightly bent until hips are past wall. Keep left hand on wall until shoulders have crossed over left hip.

stretching in pairs

This is a pretty challenging move. It really increases flexibility in the groin and hips. For the Crescent Lunge with Twist, lunge on left foot about 8 to 12 inches. Keeping back flat, twist body to the right with left knee over right hand or knee over floor. Push hips and torso into right hand. Continue in this position as long as is comfortable. Repeat on right foot and reverse movement. Repeat on opposite side. The goal of this move is to open up the hips while providing strength throughout the spine. The Crescent Lunge with Twist is a challenging move. It improves mobility in the hips, legs, and spine.

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Step back to lunge on left foot, allowing left hip to roll in towards the back and cross over right hip, keeping leg straight with weight over heel. Place right hand on wall and flex foot as needed to keep correct alignment of the body. Allow weight of the body to shift forward as you slowly move the torso back into the position where the shoulders are over the hips.